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Static Holiday Homes

Caravan Park

Sockenber Park
Kings Meaburn
CA10 3BT
TEL: 01931714606





Q. Where can I buy my Static Holiday Home from?
A. We can offer a range of well located caravan sales agents from whom you may choose a caravan to suit your needs and budget
Q. How often can I use my holiday home?
A. We are open between 1March to 7 January and you may use your
    home as much as you wish for holiday use only. Out of season planning regulations forbid overnight use
Q. Who can use can use my holiday home ?
A. Only Family and Close friends , sub letting is not allowed
Q. How long can I keep my holiday home on the park ?
A.You will be able keep your holiday home as long as you want, as long as you keep it in good condition ,we do not feel it's fair at a certain age of the unit that you have to change it to a new one,  specialy now the quality and price of them
Q. What maintenance does a holiday home require?
A. Modern holiday homes are extremely well constructed and require little or no external maintenance as the external aluminium skin is extremely durable. Your gas appliance’s we would recommend that you have them annually checked and serviced.
Q. Are pets allowed?
A. Yes but all dogs must be kept on a short lead on the Park and any dog fouling to be picked up.
Q. What price for a verandha to be designed and made?
A. Prices start from £1000 to £2000
Q. Is there play area for children?
A. Yes there is recreation area away from the caravans where ball games can be played, no ball games are allowed on the Park


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